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Swedish report: Lack of knowledge about mammography means non-attendance at screening

Förbundet has investigated how many women do not accept mammography offers in Sweden compared to the Nordic countries as a whole, Europe and countries outside Europe.

The report shows that in Sweden, 8 out of 10 women accept mammography offers. But there is a big difference between different social groups. High education and good finances have an impact on how often you go for a mammogram compared to shorter education and poor finances. As a group, immigrant women have a higher mortality rate from breast cancer than the rest of the population, and twice as many of these women as the rest of the Swedish population do not show up when called for mammography.

The Bröstcancerförbundet has reviewed the research in the area and talked to actors in the healthcare system who work in the area. In addition, the organization has carried out an interview survey among women in Sweden who come from countries outside the Nordic countries and who have not participated in the screening programme. This is to better understand what is behind the decision not to accept the offer of mammography. Everything points in the same direction, namely that the low participation is due to a lack of knowledge about mammography, how the examination is carried out and why it is important.

Need for targeted efforts

In conclusion, the Bröstcancer report presents a clear picture of the need for a targeted effort that provides increased knowledge and can thus contribute to increased participation in the screening program for breast cancer in Sweden. The fact that fewer immigrant women survive breast cancer at the same time as twice as many do not attend mammograms shows that there is a need for a changed approach in relation to this population group.

Read the Breast Cancer Report here